vishisht roop se example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word vishisht roop se usage in english sentences. The examples of vishisht roop se are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., typically, singularly, quintessentially, distinctively, uniquely.

Although the development of people with mild retardation is typically slower than that of their peers, they can function quite independently, hold jobs and families.

Prophase I: Prophase of the first meiotic division is typically longer and more complex when compared to prophase of mitosis.
Paper currency was not entirely backed by gold; typically countries held one-fourth gold against its paper currency.
Each row of the table, therefore, represents a collection of related data values and hence typically corresponds to real world entity or relationship.
In the plantations they had to work long hours, typically from dawn to dusk, punished for “inefficient work”, and whipped and tortured.
Different people plan to save different fractions of their additional incomes (with the rich typically saving a greater proportion of their income than the poor), and if we average these we may arrive at a fraction which will give us an idea of what proportion of the total additional income of the economy people wish to save as a whole.
It has emerged from a recognition that women typically labour both inside the home (housework) and outside.
On the other hand, although their inexperience and lack of selfsufficiency make them easily upset by problems that seem minor to an adult, children typically bounce back more quickly.
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